Juice vs. Soda
by Leanne Robertson
February 18, 2022
For years we were told that one cup of juice counts as a serving of fruit for the day. More recently, juice has been receiving a bad reputation, with some even saying that juice is just as bad as soda. Let’s briefly take a look at the two.

Soda is man-made, not from nature.
Soda contains “empty calories” with no vitamins, minerals or nutritive value.
Regular soda will increase your blood sugars.
Diet soda has a lesser impact on blood sugars compared to regular soda and 100% juice.
Regular soda has a high glycemic index, this means it will increase your blood sugar rapidly.
100% fruit juice contains vitamins and minerals.
Juice is made with natural sugars.
Juice will increase your blood sugar.
Juice has a medium to high glycemic index. This means it will increase your blood sugar relatively rapidly.
100% juice and regular soda are not recommended in large amounts for those with impaired glucose tolerance (e.g., diabetes patients).
Regular soda has a higher glycemic index compared to 100% juice.
100% juice is natural compared to soda.
Water down your juice to lessen the blood sugar spike.
Nutrition Facts labels are the key to finding the best 100% juice.
Avoid the following: juice cocktails, juices that contain added sugars, and juices that contain high fructose corn syrup.
Moderation is key, and consuming whole fruits are the best way to achieve your serving of fruit for the day