Who are we?
Well on Your Way is composed of a small team—a dynamic duo, if you will—of healthcare workers with a dream of making the world a happier and healthier place. Modernity is wrought with flavorless babble that discourages critical thinking, as well as duplicitous corporatists whose influence has cast a haunting shadow over the wellness realm. We hope to be your safari guides through the brambles and tangles of the treacherous healthcare jungle and bring you and your children to place of better understanding of nutrition, biomedical science, and overall health—and have a little bit of fun along the way. We are faithful Christians, loving spouses, and we are at your service! So what is the first step on your family’s wellness journey? Well, the fact that you’re here means you’re already Well On Your Way!
MAtthew ajaj, DO
Family Medicine Resident Physician
I am a Family Medicine resident, formidable gamer, and devoted husband. I aspire to improve the physical and mental well-being of others so that they may lead fulfilling lives.
LEanne Ajaj, RD CDN MS
I am a registered dietitian, cleaning extraordinaire, and adoring wife. I am passionate about finding ways to ensure every person lives a more balanced, healthful life.